About Us
A Nonprofit Organization You Can Depend On

About Us
Established in 1999, STAND, Inc. exists to educate the community and address health disparities, to renew and preserve families and the communities in which they reside. Our focus on outcomes and solutions in a practice research-based environment serves to positively address the social plagues of homelessness, prison recidivism, domestic violence, mental health, and substance abuse and their negative impact on our community at large.
We are foundationally Social Entrepreneurs, dedicated to sharing our knowledge capital; inspiring hope; and instilling confidence in our clients to facilitate their personal desires for accountability and change. Our unwavering spiritual reliance combined with strong social conscience undergirds our investment in our clients, their families, and their communities.
In partnership with our supporters and collaborators, civic and community leaders, our professional staff and executive leadership team continues to create a system of confluence and synergy that result in influential and measurable change.

Employee Development
STAND, Inc. will attract, motivate, and retain a diverse team of highly skilled employees by strengthening communication, teamwork, and morale, fostering employee safety, job satisfaction, and pride.
Mission, Vision, and Values
STAND is dedicated to providing comprehensive solutions to those with complex and compounded social issues and diseases through evidence-based training, education, and interventions that will empower all to engage in healthy productive lifestyles.
STAND aspires to be a globally recognized force in creating hope, power, and self-determination for individuals suffering from complex and compounded social issues and diseases.
E Excellence
Pursuing results above expectations
T Teamwork
Working together for a common goal
H Healthy environments
Keeping physical and social surroundings safe from danger, risk, and injury
I Integrity
Doing things right, not just the right thing
C Commitment
Providing quality services through maximum effort
S Stewardship
Taking responsibility for our resources
Enduring Foundation
As internal and external factors change, so must the strategies and tactics that lead us to achieve our goals. What will not change, however, is the foundation that we build upon. The following are the building blocks that fortify our strategies here at STAND, Inc.:
Program Advocacy
STAND, Inc. will be a catalyst to develop broad-based community support for the services provided and will contribute to reducing the community’s cost associated with sustaining the livelihood of ex-offenders reentering communities and the escalating cost associated with treating chronic diseases within the Metropolitan Atlanta Region. This will be accomplished through the involvement of all stakeholders, identification and pursuit of new market opportunities, and improvement of our image.
Business Management
STAND, Inc. will improve its future financial viability by increasing current revenue, seeking new sources of revenue, and containing expenses.
Safety and Security
STAND, Inc. will be more focused on the safety and security of our clients, employees, and property by developing and implementing policies and procedures and providing safe environments.
Continuous Quality Improvement
STAND, Inc. will increase safety, efficiency, quality, and client satisfaction by systematically improving its structure, processes, and procedures.
Client Focus
STAND, Inc. will be sharply focused on the client by increasing client satisfaction and providing safe and quality services.

Board Members
Jerome Maultsby (since 2008) Ignite the Power
Diane Sherman, Secretary/Treasurer (Since 2003) Acts Constants
Elton Andrews, Chair (Since 2013) Federal Government
LeBryan Sperling, Member (Since 2018) Lighthouse Private Investigators
Charles Sperling, Executive Director (Founder)
Gail Stowers (Since 2020)
Maria Flores, Advisory Member (Since 2008) Retired
Samantha Williams, Member (Since 2020) Consultant*Wellness Advocate*Social Psychologist IT&M Expressive Works

Licensing, Accreditation, and Partnerships

STAND, Inc. is licensed as a Drug Abuse Treatment and Education Program (DATEP) by the Georgia Department of Community Health.

STAND, Inc. employs significant effort, strong teamwork, and a commitment at all levels of the organization to providing quality services and enhancing the lives of the people we serve. We are excited to have attained and maintained accreditation by the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF International) since 2010.

STAND, Inc. is contracted by the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities (DBHDD) an agency of the State of Georgia to facilitate the following programs:
- Substance Abuse Intensive Outpatient Program (SA-IOP)
- Addictive Disease Peer Support Program (AD-Peer Support)
- Addiction Recovery Support Center (ARSC)
- Substance Abuse Transitional Housing

STAND, Inc. is approved by the Department of Community Supervision as a Participating Housing Provider in the Re-Entry Partnership Housing program (RPH). Being a participant in this program allows STAND, Inc. to enhance recovery by providing returning citizens with a safe and stable living environment.

STAND, Inc. is certified as a Recovery Residence by the Georgia Association of Recovery Residences (GARR), an affiliate of the National Alliance of Recovery Residences (NARR).

STAND, Inc. is a participant in the MARTA Transportation and Assistance Program for the Homeless purchasing Half Fare MARTA cards to assist with the transportation needs of individuals served by the agency that are homeless and seeking employment.
- Governor Appointed Member of the Georgia Commission on Family Violence
- 2019 DBHDD – Behavioral Health Exceptional Recovery-Oriented Service Award
- 2019 Congressman Hank Johnson – Unsung Heroes Award – Diamond of the 4th Congressional District of Georgia
- 2018 DBHDD – Regional Outstanding Behavioral health Provider Award – Region 3
- 2015 DeKalb County Board of Health – Community Based Organization of the Year

- Governor Appointed Member of the Georgia Commission on Family Violence
- 2019 DBHDD – Behavioral Health Exceptional Recovery-Oriented Service Award
- 2019 Congressman Hank Johnson – Unsung Heroes Award – Diamond of the 4th Congressional District of Georgia
- 2018 DBHDD – Regional Outstanding Behavioral health Provider Award – Region 3
- 2015 DeKalb County Board of Health – Community Based Organization of the Year